At some point, we’ve all met people who seem to defy age and thought, “I hope I look like that when I’m their age”. Truth is, it could be something you’re doing right now that’s adding more years to your age than birthdays you’ve celebrated. Here are some questions to ask yourself to prevent premature ageing:

Am I sleeping or exercising enough?  The goal is at least 30 minutes of exercise and 7-9 hours of sleep, everyday. Try jogging 5 minutes daily at first, then 10 minutes the next time and keep increasing as you go along. When you feel ready, try other exercises. By doing this, you allow your heart to pump and circulate blood faster ensuring an enhanced flow of skin loving nutrients throughout your body and preventing fatigue which makes you appear older. In addition, sleep is also vital to your appearance because it’s during this time that your body naturally repairs itself. Adequate exercise and sleep keeps your heart healthy and helps you avoid heart related issues which stress your body, making you age faster. Find tips on sleep and exercise in our previous posts.

What’s my diet like? Your ideal diet should be balanced, containing ample portions of carbohydrates, protein, fruit, vegetables, water and minerals. It should also contain lots of calcium which aids skin rejuvenation. Cut out smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as these habits drain the body of vitamin C and A respectively, slowing down cell renewal and reducing skin elasticity. Catch up on our healthy skin guides here and here.

How frequently do I exfoliate? Experts advise that you exfoliate 1-3 times a week because exfoliation renews your skin by removing dead skin cells and aiding cell turnover but that’s not all. Exfoliation also stimulates collagen synthesis, and collagen is an essential cellular protein which improves skin texture making it look firm and youthful. If you want to learn how to exfoliate properly, read this.

Do my products sting when applied? Some products tingle when applied and this tingling usually lasts for about 5 seconds. However, when tingling escalates to full-blown stinging and lasts for more than a few seconds, it’s time to reconsider using that product. Your skin doesn’t have to feel like it’s on fire to show you a product is working and stinging could stress and inflame your skin making you look older. It could also cause scarring so rinse off and then discontinue use. Your skin is precious.

How frequently do I moisturise and apply sunscreen? Moisturiser and sunscreen are essential in any daily skincare routine and should be reapplied when necessary. Always moisturise your skin after cleansing for a healthy and youthful complexion and apply sunscreen 15 minutes before stepping outside so that it’s fully absorbed by your skin and can work to protect from the sun’s harmful rays.

Which do I use often: hot, warm or cold water? Hot showers are some people’s favourite ritual but here’s the thing, hot water can increase your skin’s sensitivity to skincare products leading to irritated skin. It also strips your skin of natural oils leaving your skin dehydrated, dry and prone to wrinkling. Instead, use a splash of cold water in the morning to reduce puffiness then follow with warm water to cleanse and rejuvenate your skin.

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